Samuel was a strong advocate for Temperance, which is the total avoidance of alcohol. Had he lived when Prohibition was enacted, he would have been for it. He voted the straight temperance ticket in 1908.
Here are some temperance-related items discovered in his diaries.
Some 1908 Prohibition Candidates
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The National Platform of the Prohibition Party
Found in Samuel’s 1908 Diary
Samuel was a strong supporter of Prohibition.
From his November 3, 1908 diary entry:
“…Attended Presidential Election and voted for Eugene W. Chafin* for President and Aaron S. Watkins as Vice President on Prohibition Ticket. Voted straight ticket…”
Interestingly, they knew the results of the election the NEXT DAY…in 1908!
From his November 4, 1908 diary entry:
“…I went on an errand to the store and get a news paper and learned of the election of Wm. H. Taft as President of the U.S…”
*Eugene Wilder Chafin was an American politician and writer who served as the Prohibition Party’s presidential candidate during the 1908 and 1912 presidential elections.
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From Samuel’s 1891 Diary
Some Interesting Words to the song “America” by T. B. Knowles
“Our National Wail”
My country, tis of thee, Once land of Liberty, of thee I sing.
Land where my father died, land of the Pilgrim’s pride,
Now cursed with rum’s foul tide, and hellish ring!
My native country, thee, Once land of noble free, Thy name I love.
I love thy rocks and rills, But now thy damning stills
Thy woods and templed hills; curse hill and grove.
Once music swelled the breeze, and rung from all the trees, Sweet freedom’s song.
Now, woman’s groans awake, and orphans cries partake,
the prayer, “Our chains, O break! Nor hell prolong.”
Our fathers’ God, to Thee, Author of liberty, our prayer we bring.
From Rum’s dark reign and blight, Our land with freedom’s light,
Once more save, by Thy might, Great God, our King!
Click the image to see it full size
A Temperance column from an 1888 newspaper…
This yellowed newspaper clipping was found in the pages of Samuel’s 1871 diary. However, this article was written in 1888. Samuel’s hand-written date is December 29, 1888. The pertinent text starts where it says, “Is Drinking on the Increase?”
Samuel often mentioned his concern with excessive drunkenness among the troops and officers in his Civil War diary entries.