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The text of the letter reads:
123 Plymouth St. Pittsburgh, Pa
Feb 12, 1907
Commissioner of Pensions
Washington, D.C.
Dr. Sir:
Under the Act of June 27, 2890 I have been drawing a pension of $8.00 per month since 1898, and now ask that you will favor me by sending to my address, as given below, with instructions for filling out the same, an application blank for increase of Pension under the Act of Jan 11, 1907.
I was born Feb.3, 1839 and hence was 68 yrs old on the 3 inst. The Title of my Claim is “Eastern Div. Cert. No. 950.524. Samuel J. Melvin, A 100th PA Vol Inf.”
Complying with the above request you will greatly oblige
Samuel J. Melvin
123 Plymouth St.
Pittsburgh, Pa |